Sunday, 7 August 2011

In terms of the overall branding of the show, one idea I've been throwing around is working with the idea of the 'designer as explorer'. This exhibition is the result of our four-year exploration into the world of design and what we're showcasing here is ultimately what we've 'collected' along the way - skills in various aspects of design, ideas, values etc. Using shipping containers/recycled/found objects strengthens the theme - these are found items, collected and reused. So thinking about a name surrounding this theme I've been playing with the idea of the 'slash':

In terms of the shipping containers indicating either coming or going, leaving or arriving (as we discussed in previous meetings) I thought a really strong name would be "The Arrival". But yes this is already the name of a very popular book by Shaun Tan so perhaps not so usable. Perhaps "Arrive"? To me it indicates this exhibition marks a turning point for all of us, we're arrived somewhere.

Some branding references following the handmade/personal aesthetic:
Racket Design: Set of Cards.

PastaCup Poster

AGDA Vic: The use of handmade 3D type here is really engaging. Could we set up 3D type within the exhibition space?

I think this is the beginnings of a piece at the Ace Hotel New York, not sure who the artist is. Could we hand paint type on the walls of the exhibition space? Time consuming and intricate but fun!

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